The 2008 National Survey of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behaviors was composed of a single questionnaire administered to a sample of randomly selected individuals 16 and older, with ages 16 through 24 over-sampled. The respondents were asked about their drinking behavior, their drinking and driving behavior, use of designated drivers, their hosting events in which drinking occurred, risks they perceive associated with drinking and driving, experience with anti-DWI enforcement activity, and their attitudes concerning major intervention strategies.The survey was administered from September 10, 2008 to December 22, 2008. A total of 6,999 respondents completed the survey, including 5,392 landline interviews and 1,607 cell phone interviews. The total number of completed interviews for each of the four Census regions (Northeast, Midwest, South, and West) was 1,409, 1,654, 2,390, and 1,546, respectively.