The first major set of trials conducted at the Michigan Test Bed was the Proof of Concept (POC) trials during 2008. The POC trials featured fifty-two RSEs within 45 square miles, 27 vehicles configured with OBEs, and a Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) network. The testing program had three major phases: subsystem test, system integration and test, and public and private applications test. The public application testing portion of the POC trials were conducted during August 2008. RSE data for the public application tests were available for eight days in August 2008. The data in this data environment consists of RSE and OBE data for the middle six of these days. These six days were chosen for inclusion in the data environment because the first and last days had much higher number of duplicate records and questionable data values.
In April 2009 and April 2010 a second and third set of trials was conducted at the Michigan Test Bed, directed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). These trials used a smaller set of vehicles. The April 2009 data concentrated on collecting data during periods of rainy or snowy weather. The April 2010 concentrated on comparing atmospheric data from vehicle-mounted sensors to data from a nearby fixed weather observing station.
This legacy dataset was created before and is only currently available via the attached file(s). Please contact the dataset owner if there is a need for users to work with this data using the analysis features (online viewing, API, graphing, etc.) and the USDOT will consider modifying the dataset to fully integrate in